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Selamat Pengantin Baru

Selamat pengantin baru.. semoga kekal abadi.. bahagia ke anak cucu semoga murah rezeki. Alhamdulillah bertemu jodohnya... berkat kesabaran akhirnya terlaksana.... #Np - Selamat Pengantin Baru

12th May was my good friend's wedding day~ I am so happy with her. The solemnization ceremony was on the 12th of May and the reception was on the 13th. I was there on both events. During the solemnization, I was only a guest. I went with Yati since Encik Daun was on OT and Erika was busy with camp. She was beautiful. The theme was white and I like her hantarans; using fresh flowers. That is so Kak Nad because she love flowers especially fresh flowers.

The next day, i became one of the dayangs, just to usher her to the pelamin and be on the pelamin together with bride and groom.

It was also a mini reunion for us since I left Cybernetics. I miss talking to Kak Shima and of course she asked the soalan cepu emas. Sudah ku agak. Hahah..

 Breakfast gang; Kak Shima, Kak Amy and Kak Linda

 After makan beradab

The pelamin. Mak Jemah suka!

P/s : Ambik berkat wedding Kak Nad... ;)

1 comment:

lady butterfly said...

hehheee.......byk lagi bende yg nk di story tp apakan daya, masa mencemburiu kita..huhu