Buku Jalanan had a booth atas loteng which really freaked me out to go down because the stairs were steep, and I am afraid of heights, so, it wasn't a good combo for me. Sigh. But the place, memang koool la. At the booth, they had discussions and one piece band performance. During the discussion, I, as usual, cannot focus on the things on what don;t really matters to me. I know I'm bad. Because I choose what I want to know or discover according to my preference. Sorry hunnnn...~
So, when I was there, I did some 'window' shopping. I didn't buy books because majority of people, selling books have Naomi Campbell attitude. So, I just only go buy things at the friendly people la. And, they're non-malays. Okay, I'm not being racist but, I think I like them better rather than the people that 'shared' the religion and my race. (Cheh. I sounded racist as hell)
And then, after that we went to Dapur Jalanan to support the team for giving free food to homeless people and also, they had a ceremony of remembering MH370. That time when we arrived, they already finished give away food and they were having that little ceremony. There, I met my ex-student from sebenetik which I mistaken with YPPB student. Yelah. Muka sama kot. Unexpected meet-up and she never know that also into this stuff. I was like, hello, I never tell people. And thanks to my jantung hati for exposing the kind-hearted charity to me. And, Ilah too is a member of Buku Jalanan (Manjung) so, actually jantung hati has already met her a few times. So basically, my jantung hati re-uniting me and my ex-student again! Thanks sayang~ :)
After that, we went to Rantai Art Festival near KLCC. As soon as we get there, the exhibition has already closed. And, the place was wet because of the rain, and dark. So, it's kinda potong my mood la. Nak shopping pun xde mood sebab berlecak. Hurmmm.. And then we went to the mamak shop to have dinner but I didn't because my tummy was... err... I don't know how to say it. Meragam dari pagi. So, I gave a cat ayam goreng since the next door 7-e doesn't sell cat food. Huh. Luckily the kitty cat finished up the chicken.
P/s : It's good to see you on the weekend, honey. Love seeing you having a good time. Love you mucho! :*
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